First Rally to Save Our Bridge

Supporters gather to support the Stuyvesant Falls Bridge

Supporters gather with their signs to support the bridge. Photo by Steven Taylor

At 10am on August 17th, Historic Stuyvesant held its first public forum in support of the preservation of the Stuyvesant Falls Bridge. The event came on the heels of the August 8th town hall meeting during which the county presented its initial proposal to replace the bridge with a new, two-lane concrete deck. More than fifty-five attendees showed up to learn about Historic Stuyvesant's proposal to seek a more community-based process with respect to the future of the bridge and the integrity of the Stuyvesant Falls Mill District.

Keegan Oneal, a spokesperson for Historic Stuyvesant, talked about the value of the existing historic bridge and safety concerns about the County's proposed replacement plan. Wendy Bopp, who participated in the community’s effort to restore the bridge in the 1990s, reminded everyone that if we saved the bridge once, we can do it again! 

Submit your comments to the County Department of Public Works Commissioner Ray Jurkowski by the August 22nd deadline. More information about how to submit your comment is available here.

Your participation counts! You do not need to be a Stuyvesant resident to submit a comment.


Stuyvesant Resident Radio Interview